Wednesday, November 25, 2009

IGIA Children's Day Celebration Video

On November 14th, me, Mathi, Sridhar, Shanmugam, Karthick and Gomathy started to IGIA after wasting a lot of time in transit. But we're surprised to see the children in the dining hall, rather than the classrooms. Yes, they celebrated children's day as well as their beloved Rajan mama's birthday. And by the time we went there, Anup was already there enjoying the kids performances. Here are some of the acts from the IGIA kids.

Click on the below Youtube link to enjoy the video.

~Muthu Selvan.S


Karthik said...

I was part of the celebration. Oh god! it z heaventh performance from some of the guys like arogya raj, hari haran and newton!

sridhar173 said...

All the scripts except the skid in english were prepared by the students itself,

they did things somehow similar to our skids in the college culturals,
situation songs,and timing jokes.

such things from an 9th std and 10th std students is unbelivable,given thier limited to access to cinema or cinema related programs.

ᾋƈђἷłłἔṩ/அக்கில்லீஸ் said...

Absolutely sri.. I agree with you.. The timing jokes, and songs suit the situation perfectly. Excellent work by the kids... Its a wonderful experience on the whole. :)